Aetna Publishes State Health Plan (SHP) Fee Schedule

The North Carolina State Health Plan will transition to Aetna, its new third-party administrator effective January 1, 2025. Additional information including the fee schedule can be found here. NCCA member, Liz Nieland, has compiled general CPT Codes that are billable...

CPT Coding Changes for 2024

By Dynamic Chiropractic Office visit codes 99202-99205 and 99212-99215 have been revised to remove the time “range” in minutes from each code. Instead, billing based on time requires a single “minimum time threshold” to meet or exceed. Most carriers appear to prefer...

The Dangers of Billing Under Another Provider’s NPI Number

By Dr. Ray Foxworth | ChiroHealthUSA Recently, in a Facebook group, the question arose about whether it was okay for the associate doctor in a practice to bill for services under the owner’s NPI number. The range of responses surprised me and made me aware that...